viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Allow me to share something profitable with you today.

If you're wondering why I'm emailing you now, out of the blue, after months of radio silence let me tell you that I have a good reason for that.

Do you remember the last time I sent you a tip? It was around November if I recall correctly.

If you bought that stock I told you about back then, you would've quadrupled your money at the very least.

Now here we are, a few months later and I've got something else to tell you about.

Basically if you remember, I've got a good acquaintance who works at a law firm in New York and when I took him out to a fancy steak dinner last Monday (with lots of wine) he became very talkative and let me in on a little tip.

This is what I want to share with you today. He essentially told me that some time mid next week, a small company called incapta (ticker: INCT) is going to announce that it's being acquired by a giant for a little over 1.30 a share (yes over a dollar thirty, and yes it's at just under 15 cents now)

He knows this because his law firm is the one that drafted all the paperwork for the deal and they are expected to finalize and sign the agreements today, with the official announcement coming some time between Tuesday and Thursday.

If you buy shares today, you are guaranteed to make approximately tenfold next week. The way it works is if you're holding the shares they will just take them out of your account automatically and credit you with the cash equivalent to 1.37 or so which you can take out whenever you want and spend on nice things.

Keep me in mind when you're rolling in it. I expect a big thank you and maybe a small gift!

look at my naked photos!

look at my naked photos Here!

Look at my pussy please!

Look at my photos Here!

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

I've got strong reasons to believe that this stock is about to soar.

Alright, let's get right to it...

We've been out of touch for a while. I've been very busy looking for the next big stock that has the potential to explode and it took me months to find one.

If I can be honest, this one came to me as a god send. I got lucky. I have this friend who works at a law firm in NYC and we've known each other for a very long time.

Long story short, he told me that his firm is about to finalize a big takeover by a multibillion corporation. They're buying this tiny company that is now trading at just around 10 cents a share.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him say that they're paying somewhere between $1.30 and $1.39 for the company. The deal is closing and being announced mid next week.

I could get into what the company does, but who really cares right? All we need to know is that they are in the high tech industry and that this is going to be a huge buyout.

I recommend you buy shares as soon as possible today and wait it out until you get paid over $1.30 next week. The way takeovers work is that they will just credit this price per share, in cash, to your brokerage account and in exchange will take the shares that you bought at just pennies.

I may never have another tip like this, so cash in on it while you still can.

I've got strong reasons to believe that this stock is about to soar.

Alright, let's get right to it...

We've been out of touch for a while. I've been very busy looking for the next big stock that has the potential to explode and it took me months to find one.

If I can be honest, this one came to me as a god send. I got lucky. I have this friend who works at a law firm in NYC and we've known each other for a very long time.

Long story short, he told me that his firm is about to finalize a big takeover by a multibillion corporation. They're buying this tiny company that is now trading at just around 10 cents a share.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him say that they're paying somewhere between $1.30 and $1.39 for the company. The deal is closing and being announced mid next week.

I could get into what the company does, but who really cares right? All we need to know is that they are in the high tech industry and that this is going to be a huge buyout.

I recommend you buy shares as soon as possible today and wait it out until you get paid over $1.30 next week. The way takeovers work is that they will just credit this price per share, in cash, to your brokerage account and in exchange will take the shares that you bought at just pennies.

I may never have another tip like this, so cash in on it while you still can.

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

This public company is being bought out. Read now to profit from it.

Dear valued member,

It has been a very long time since I emailed you about a rare investment opportunity.

You signed up to my newsletter because you were seeking to only invest in companies which I can guarantee will go up and I only email you when I know one will.

The last stock I told you to buy went up about 1000% and this next one is guaranteed a solid 1300% keep on reading to find out why.

INCT (incapta inc) is a drone-maker with proprietary algorithms which essentially bring drones to life. These algorithms give the drones the capability to act independent of a physical operator.

Because of they own this amazing technology which they developed in house, they have been receiving huge attention from the US Army as well as several private firms including DJI and Amazon.

A guy I work with at a mergers and acquisition firm in New York told me that INCT is about to be bought out for $1.37 per share on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. He has always come through for me.

While INCT may currently seem stagnant, that�s because very few people know about this imminent deal so don't let that fool you.

I don't expect the stock price to swing much in either direction until the takeover is announced next week, at which point it will shoot up to around $1.37 overnight.

You know what to do if you want to profit when this happens.

Keep it on the hush, but do act quickly.

Best Regards,
Victoria Hobbs

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

You can make 10x on your money by next week if you buy this stock now.

Dear Subscriber,

Do you remember the last time I sent you a tip about a company worth buying in the market?

I was right on point as its shares shot up more than tenfold in under 7 days.
I had privileged information and I knew that something big was brewing.

It took me months to find the next stock that is somewhat similar to that last one I told you about,
but you can be certain that the upside potential is just as good.

Incapta Incorporated [symbol: INCT] is a company that is on the verge of being acquired by a large drone-maker competitor.

On March 28th (yes, next week) there is going to be something special announced that will take the share price from under 0.20 to over a dollar, overnight.

INCT specializes in the manufacturing of high-end specialized drones with real-world applications such as automated dispatching for news coverage by companies like CNN all the way to miniature drones which can be used to gather intelligence for the military, private investigators and police.

This cutting edge technology is changing the world as we know it, and INCT is at the forefront of it all which is why it�s being acquired and its share price is about to go ballistic.

Tell everyone you know to buy INCT right now and keep it on the low as much as possible.

This stock is about to receive a buy out at 10 times its current market price...

Dear Subscriber,

It's been a long time since I sent you my special newsletter containing a hot stock tip.
The reason for that is because I really haven't had many opportunities to present to you.

Incapta Inc (ticker: INCT) is a company that was brought to my attention earlier this morning
by one of my colleagues at an M&A firm in manhattan.

It seems that a buy out from DJI is imminent at $1.37 per share and is set to be announced
next week on Tuesday, March 28.

INCT is a company that has revolutionized the drone industry by creating the first independent drones
that can be dispatched to areas of interest such as crime scenes, car chases, wild fires, etc.

The network of drones operates by connecting to a cloud and complex algorithms efficiently dispatch the drones
within moments of an incident being reported.

This way the media outlet that owns the drones can be the first to the scene and get exclusive, live-streamed.

This has the potential to literally change the world of news broadcasting as we know it and DJI
(the most prominent drone-maker in the world) sees the potential of this technology which is why
they are willing to pay $1.37 a share to acquire it. A premium of over 1,000% over Friday's closing price.

Tell all your friends about INCT and make sure you buy it as soon as possible today at any price under
20 cents a share to guarantee yourself massive profits.

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Hola claudio!

Con fecha 20/03/2017 13:26 has solicitado información sobre el inmueble ofertado en nuestra web inmobiliaria:

Advertencia: No realice transferencias ni ingresos sin identificar al destinatario personalmente. no solicita dinero, ni es intermediario en las operaciones de alquiler y venta.

Datos del inmueble:

- Teléfono: 958587298 645899393 ¡Te recomendamos llamar!
- Nombre: Tomas
- Referencia del inmueble: 22931469x
- Zona: Centro-Catedral
- Precio del inmueble: 1.000 €/mes
- Metros construidos: 150m2
- Texto: alquiler de oficinas, con 150 m2, Reformado, 6-10 Estancias, 2 despachos, 2 aseo(s), almacén, aire acondicionado Frío / Calor, preinstalación eléctrica, preinstalación telefónica, Orientado hacia el Noroeste

Datos del solicitante:

- Nombre: claudio
- Email:
- Telefono:
- Comentario: Estoy interesado/a en alquilar su oficina de 150 m2 por 1.000 € en Centro-Catedral, Granada.

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martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

Boletín de Haya - Marzo 2017

¡Novedades de Haya!
Boletín de Haya
MARZO 2017

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Rebajas 2017.
Selección de 2.200 viviendas y 700 activos singulares con descuentos de hasta el 40%. ¡Sólo hasta el 31 de marzo!
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Urbanización Puig de Ros.
Te presentamos este conjunto residencial de viviendas unifamiliares adosadas de 3 dormitorios y 3 baños, todas con parcela privada con piscina.
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domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Claudio joven uriol hemos eliminado un anuncio con el que has contactado  
Te ayudamos a encontrar tu hogar
¡Hola, Claudio joven uriol!
Te informamos que tu anuncio con referencia 10793341 ha sido desactivado por el departamento de calidad de al no cumplir con los requisitos mínimos que marca el portal para sus anuncios.
Piso en Alquiler en Mairena del Aljarafe
Osa Mayor
80 m²     2 Habitaciones     1 Baños    
Alquiler: A consultar
Referencia: 10793341
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Estaremos encantados de ayudarte. ¡Te esperamos en!

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Alguien está interesado en tu inmueble  
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¡Genial, claudio joven uriol!
Una persona está interesada en tu Piso en alquiler en Osa Mayor
Nombre Ana
Teléfono 630760129
Comentarios Estoy interesado/a en ir a ver el inmueble
Fecha de solicitud 10/03/2017
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miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

La publicación de su inmueble con ref.:15213722x se ha detenido correctamente en

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Hola claudio!

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Datos de tu inmueble: "alquiler de piso/apartamento, con 80 m2, Buen estado, 2 dorm, 1 baños, cocina Completa, amueblado, "

- Referencia del inmueble: 15213722x
- Zona: Mairena del Aljarafe
- Precio del inmueble: 520 € / Mes
- Metros construidos: 80 m2

Ir a tu inmueble ahora | Ir a la zona privada

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Apellidos: joven uriol
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Fecha Nacimiento: 6/8/1968
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martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Alguien está interesado en tu inmueble  
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¡Genial, claudio joven uriol!
Una persona está interesada en tu Piso en alquiler en Osa Mayor
Nombre francisco
Teléfono 665252900
Comentarios estoy interesado en este piso, podría mandarme más fotos para ver el estado y las características antes de concretar una cita?
Fecha de solicitud 08/03/2017
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